Tuesday, September 16, 2008

From the Desk 9/16/2008

As you have undoubtedly noticed I have been less than frequent with my posts about life here in Georgia. Things at work have simply been too busy to write each day as unfortunately I have brought my work home with me several evenings recently. I also have been more social with helping people move, hiking, running several mornings, and generally hanging out with friends. As is the case there is not always time for blogging among the craziness. I will be trying to post each weekend some of the highlights from the week to keep you all in the loop. (is it necessary to "all" when addressing 3 people?)

This past weekend was the Wells' family reunion at Frozen Head State Park. My family seemed to like Christina and she liked them too! I think she will be joining us for our winter trip to Fontana in December so they will get a chance to get to know her better there. Other than that the week was filled with lots of deadlines at work one evening of mandatory organization work at home until 8:00pm to get caught up. I have done good, running at Kell High School's track the past two mornings and intend to run tomorrow (needed to give my legs a rest) Other than, not much going on. Hanging out with Christina and loving every minute of it, spending time watching football with friends and trying to catch some sleep when possible! I'll be in K-town for a wedding this weekend, but will be heading back to GA after it is over on Saturday night. So, see you soon!