Saturday, March 15, 2008

Leaving town...

Well, now that Friday is finally here, it is dragging on forever...I had things to do at work and they kept me occupied, but I still just want today to be over so I can get back into the mode of filming. I'm also looking forward to going to CBCB on Sunday and seeing many old friends, so that ran through my mind every few seconds, which led to lots of unfocused hours. I got to watch the first part of the UT vs. South Carolina SEC playoff game on my lunch break at the apartment, but wished I could stay and watch the entire thing. I set it up to record the rest of the game so I can watch it again in its entirety next week.

I left work just a few minutes early today in an attempt to beat some of the traffic out of town. It didn't really work that well. It was fairly good weather to drive up to Knoxville with only a few spots of rain along the way. I arrived in Knoxville shortly before 8:00pm and dropped my things off and checked-in at Le Chateau de Taylor so they would not give my room away to another weary traveler. I then went to my favorite Friday night destination...Movies 4 Sale. I hung out there with Hickey and crew, watching movies until close. Tonight we watched the majority of the Alabama vs. Mississippi State basketball game which wasn't eventful until the game went into overtime. There were some very severe storms head through Atlanta at that time and rumors of a tornado that eventually were confirmed with proof of the damage outside the area and to the roof of the arena during the game. After they closed up the shop, we reconvened at the Applebee's on North Peters Rd. for our usual Friday night fun. Megan, our usual server, was in a good mood as she always is, which was nice to see. I like it better when people I know are happy because it helps me feel happy. I had the boneless buffalo wings with the new citrus teryaki sauce as opposed to the usual honey BBQ. They were delicious and were just enough to fill me up until the feast of a breakfast that I would enjoy tomorrow morning!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friday's almost here

Today I realized that I didn't do that much at work as far as productivity, but somehow managed to end up working a little bit past 5 o'clock. (Where does the time go?) I finally got through to the correct person who was in charge of the artwork for our new gift card holders and was able to communicate with them about the changes that needed to be made. Actually, the changes had already been laid out for what they needed to change, but their artwork department decided not to read the full instructions I left so the process was delayed yet another day. However, we received the final proof, I signed of on it, and they will hit our doorstep in about 3 weeks. I also updated a couple of generic flyers for the Market Reps in Knoxville and Chattanooga to give out. I was late getting back from lunch at my apartment due to the construction they are now doing on Barret Parkway (the Kingston Pike of Kennesaw) that backs up traffic both directions and getting off I-75 at exit 269. I arrived at my desk and was interrupted quickly (which was fine by me) by Chris. She wanted me to go with her to Printing Impressions to meet Tony, our contact there that gives us good deals, and get him to make up some sale stickers for discounted product in the retail stores. After that we returned to the office where Stacy and I went over the Summer Learning Insert for one last edit and then I made all the changes necessary. After a while it seemed that no one was able to focus and get anything done, so Tausha shared a story that she saw on the news last night about a woman who was literally stuck to a toilet after not moving from it for 2 years. (check out the story on it's crazy!) Before we knew it 5 o'clock had arrived and it was time to go home!

I actually fixed real food for dinner tonight, but I'm not sure this will become a regular occurrence seeing as how I always fix too much and there is no one to share in the leftovers. I grilled chicken tenders that I had marinated in a mixture of Worcestershire sauce and a sesame herb glaze. I complimented the chicken with some fettuccine noodles in Alfredo sauce and garlic bread. It was the first time since the first week down here that I would say I cooked an actual meal as opposed to sandwiches, or microwavable things. It was good, but surprise...leftovers! I will more than likely consume those for lunch tomorrow so they don't go to waste as I won't be here this weekend.

After dinner I did a load of laundry to cut down on my work when I return to Kennesaw so I'm not scrambling to do things before I leave for Charleston on Wednesday. I also double checked all the equipment, batteries, mics, cables, etc. to ensure that I would have everything I needed to film this weekend. I spent some time watching an episode or two of Law & Order SVU while flipping back occasionally to check the scores on the SEC basketball tournament games. The weather today was beautiful and I'm sad that I was unable to enjoy it, except for the brief times I was driving to and from work. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be colder, with rain pretty much all day. Pray for safe travel in the downpour as I swim my way back up to Knoxville for a weekend visit.

Meditation of the day: Psalm 34:11 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What day of the week is it?

I have determined that my continuous feelings of grogginess are not actually due to my lack of inactivity (seeing as how the past few days I have done at least something active after work), but can indeed be contributed to the time change last weekend. Now that I have realize this, I feel it is only responsible of me to go to sleep early tonight and sleep for a ridiculously long time...but I don't have time for that.

I spent the majority of time at work today refining the gift card holders, and making adjustments to the summer learning insert I have been working on. The regional managers all came down to the store today to plan out the store managers meeting at the end of the month. I got to talk to Kenny for a bit, which was nice, allowing me to see someone from "the old crew". I bought gas on my lunch break, for $3.25 a gallon!!!!, after I ran home to fix me some soup. I finished up the day at work and then went home to relax.

After talking to mom on the phone for a bit, I decided that I needed to get out of the apartment for a bit. I got on Barrett Parkway and just drove, listening to the new Sia CD I picked up after the concert on Monday night. The songs were very soothing and traffic was extremely light so it was actually a good time to drive for the sake of driving. The weather has been so nice over the past 2 days that I was able to drive with the windows rolled down, just letting the music float through the speakers. It was a good idea as I was able to think about some things and generally clear my mind so I can try and hear when I'm being spoken to. I spent the remainder of the evening doing a load of laundry, and preparing the video equipment for use this weekend. I really missed being at orchestra tonight. I would love to just see my "family" again and laugh with them and play beautiful music and worship. Maybe sometime in the future, perhaps. Well, I'm off to not catch up on sleep, but not loose any either. You get a 2 for 1 deal with meditations for today. See you all in 2 days!

Meditation(s) for the day: John 14:27 "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"

"Peace comes not from the absence of trouble, but from the presence of God"
~ Alexander Maclaren

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

5 Guys

Today was hectic as I arrived at work. We thought that we had everything solved with the quote we were working on, but we were wrong. There some last minute changes that had to be made as well as trying to coordinate shipping cost estimates for 90 locations, 4 of which, were not in the continental US. After getting that matter resolved, I began to explore different methods of selecting/purchasing mailing lists to reach our customer base more accurately and at the right times. I worked on that until lunch time.

Today for lunch I ate with Mike, Stacy, Carmen, Blair, and Tausha at a place called 5 Guys. It looked like you average burger & fries place, but the food was outstanding! I had a cheese burger and fries that was close to the best burger I've ever had. (The best is still from the place that used to be where Gyro's is in Farragut) I didn't have any cash so Mike picked up my tab this time and next time I'll get his. It was nice to eat with people and laugh as hard as I have in a while. I was supposed to have a meeting after lunch with the lady from Sparkfly (similar to our Kid's First books, but it is all online and exclusively for teachers) but she cancelled and rescheduled for next Wednesday morning. I spent the remainder of the work day answering emails, calling people back, and preparing to begin work on the Back-To-School 16pg. sales piece after I talk with Chris tomorrow.

I had planned on eating some cereal for dinner tonight and watching a couple of episodes of Law & Order (doink-doink), but I got a text from Leslie and she wanted to know if I could join her and Stacy at T.G.I. Friday's for some dinner. Seeing as this was an opportunity to hang out with human beings and not my TV or computer, I said of course. I ordered the Sesame Jack Chicken appetizer and it was amazingly good! I also went to Target and did a minor amount of grocery shopping (ie. bread, milk, yogurt, and chips). I spent some time tonight working on editing the beginning of the music video for Roses On My Grave and then lack of sleep from last night's concert finally began to catch up to me. I only have to make it though 3 more work days until my weekend visit to K-town and my return to the film industry and wedding wonderlands (blah).
I'll report more tomorrow...

Meditation for the day: 1 Corinthians 10:13 "You can trust God. He will not let you be tested more than you can stand. But when you are tested, He will also make a way out so you can bear it."

Breathe Me....

Today began with not much to do at work. That soon changed after I arrived. The morning started out wonderfully as it seems that the only clock I forgot to change yesterday was my alarm clock! I awoke at 7:30 and still managed to shower, get ready, and make it to work by 8:00. Today at work I sent a rough of the summer learning flyer I've been working on for the past 2 days to the powers that be so we can make corrections and then move forward to printing. I also had a chance to design the card holders for our new gift cards (that's right, cards not paper certificates with hand written totals) and Dave said he loved my design. I'll bring one into town once they are printed so you can see my masterful creativity (waiting for lightning to, nothing?....well ok then). I also helped Sue prepare a quote for an organization that needed supplies for 90 locations around Atlanta! I actually was working with her on that until I left work around 5:40pm.

After I got home I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then was on my way to pick up Stacy for our concert adventure. She wanted to take me to this concert as thanks for picking up/watching her dog Cooper. I told her she didn't have to, but I really wanted to see this artist in concert. We went to the Variety Playhouse, a venue located in the heart of Atlanta. I drove and we neither died nor got lost! (See God still works miracles!) The first act was a little disturbing to say the least. I'm not going to go into great detail, but the lead singer was about 40 pounds too heavy to be wearing what he was wearing (or by the end of the show, what he wasn't) and to be dancing like he was dancing! (insert mental picture here of Jim Belushi dancing like Michael Jackson in the music video Bad) I'm sure there will be tons of videos on You Tube tomorrow. Just look for the band Har Mar Super Star if you dare. Sia was the headliner for tis show and she was great. She is originally from Australia, but like most Aussie's she ventured to Britain to break into the music scene. She was a back-up vocalist for Jamaroquoi and eventually went out on her own. She has a very powerful, soulful and jazz filled voice. She is very short and thin, but can belt out smooth, sweet notes with an opera singer's volume and clarity. It was a phenomenal performance, and I intend to purchase her newest CD Some People Have REAL Problems. Her last song Breathe Me was particularly beautiful and moving both musically and lyrically. I highly recommend listening to this song if you get the opportunity. We arrived back in Kennesaw and I dropped Stacy off around 11:45. Now it's time to get some sleep so I can be somewhat creative tomorrow, should I be called upon to do so.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A New Day

This morning I woke up at 9:30 and was about to rush to get ready to go to a church service when I glanced at my cell phone on the coffee table and suddenly remembered that the time change was last night...or, if you're like me, it occurred precisely when you realized you needed to be somewhere else. I promptly changed all of my clocks to avoid any further delay in "getting with the times". I decided that rather than walking in late and having everyone stare at me, I would go and listen to songs of worship & praise while running on the treadmill. This experience was obviously different from attending a worship service a a church, but was at the same time relaxing and very worshipful. The only thing I was focusing on was the lyrics of the songs (and not falling off the treadmill).

When I returned to my apartment, I signed onto MySapce and saw that I had a comment from Cooper thanking me for keeping him all day yesterday. I also stumbled across a new artist that I have come to identify with her lyrics lately. Her name is Marie Digby and she is an emerging artist who plays piano and guitar. She uses her life experiences to compose the lyrics for her original songs and her song Traffic hit particularly close to home right now. You should look her up on You Tube to hear some of her work. I also fixed myself some scrambled eggs (with cheese), bacon, and toast for brunch today.

I watched the UT Men's Vols beat South Carolina soundly (89 to 56) after a close 1st half (38 to 37). I then spent the afternoon vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and kitchen, and doing laundry. I probably should go to the store seeing as how I have no bread, milk, smoothie ingredients, or much else that is edible without the previously mentioned food substances. I watched the UT Lady Vols win their 13th SEC Championship Title by defeating the LSU Lady Tigers in a very physical and close game. Seeing as how I must prepare for the work week that will surely be filled with lots of time playing catch-up from everyone being gone last week, I will say good night and have a good start to your week.

Meditation for the day: (This does not come from scripture, but I thought it was something that could be interpreted the same)

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...its about learning to dance in the rain." ~Anonymous