Today was hectic as I arrived at work. We thought that we had everything solved with the quote we were working on, but we were wrong. There some last minute changes that had to be made as well as trying to coordinate shipping cost estimates for 90 locations, 4 of which, were not in the continental US. After getting that matter resolved, I began to explore different methods of selecting/purchasing mailing lists to reach our customer base more accurately and at the right times. I worked on that until lunch time.
Today for lunch I ate with Mike, Stacy, Carmen, Blair, and Tausha at a place called 5 Guys. It looked like you average burger & fries place, but the food was outstanding! I had a cheese burger and fries that was close to the best burger I've ever had. (The best is still from the place that used to be where Gyro's is in Farragut) I didn't have any cash so Mike picked up my tab this time and next time I'll get his. It was nice to eat with people and laugh as hard as I have in a while. I was supposed to have a meeting after lunch with the lady from Sparkfly (similar to our Kid's First books, but it is all online and exclusively for teachers) but she cancelled and rescheduled for next Wednesday morning. I spent the remainder of the work day answering emails, calling people back, and preparing to begin work on the Back-To-School 16pg. sales piece after I talk with Chris tomorrow.I had planned on eating some cereal for dinner tonight and watching a couple of episodes of Law & Order (doink-doink), but I got a text from Leslie and she wanted to know if I could join her and Stacy at T.G.I. Friday's for some dinner. Seeing as this was an opportunity to hang out with human beings and not my TV or computer, I said of course. I ordered the Sesame Jack Chicken appetizer and it was amazingly good! I also went to Target and did a minor amount of grocery shopping (ie. bread, milk, yogurt, and chips). I spent some time tonight working on editing the beginning of the music video for Roses On My Grave and then lack of sleep from last night's concert finally began to catch up to me. I only have to make it though 3 more work days until my weekend visit to K-town and my return to the film industry and wedding wonderlands (blah).
I'll report more tomorrow...
Meditation for the day: 1 Corinthians 10:13 "You can trust God. He will not let you be tested more than you can stand. But when you are tested, He will also make a way out so you can bear it."
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5 Guys
Posted by Pip Taylor at 1:10 PM
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