Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friday's almost here

Today I realized that I didn't do that much at work as far as productivity, but somehow managed to end up working a little bit past 5 o'clock. (Where does the time go?) I finally got through to the correct person who was in charge of the artwork for our new gift card holders and was able to communicate with them about the changes that needed to be made. Actually, the changes had already been laid out for what they needed to change, but their artwork department decided not to read the full instructions I left so the process was delayed yet another day. However, we received the final proof, I signed of on it, and they will hit our doorstep in about 3 weeks. I also updated a couple of generic flyers for the Market Reps in Knoxville and Chattanooga to give out. I was late getting back from lunch at my apartment due to the construction they are now doing on Barret Parkway (the Kingston Pike of Kennesaw) that backs up traffic both directions and getting off I-75 at exit 269. I arrived at my desk and was interrupted quickly (which was fine by me) by Chris. She wanted me to go with her to Printing Impressions to meet Tony, our contact there that gives us good deals, and get him to make up some sale stickers for discounted product in the retail stores. After that we returned to the office where Stacy and I went over the Summer Learning Insert for one last edit and then I made all the changes necessary. After a while it seemed that no one was able to focus and get anything done, so Tausha shared a story that she saw on the news last night about a woman who was literally stuck to a toilet after not moving from it for 2 years. (check out the story on it's crazy!) Before we knew it 5 o'clock had arrived and it was time to go home!

I actually fixed real food for dinner tonight, but I'm not sure this will become a regular occurrence seeing as how I always fix too much and there is no one to share in the leftovers. I grilled chicken tenders that I had marinated in a mixture of Worcestershire sauce and a sesame herb glaze. I complimented the chicken with some fettuccine noodles in Alfredo sauce and garlic bread. It was the first time since the first week down here that I would say I cooked an actual meal as opposed to sandwiches, or microwavable things. It was good, but surprise...leftovers! I will more than likely consume those for lunch tomorrow so they don't go to waste as I won't be here this weekend.

After dinner I did a load of laundry to cut down on my work when I return to Kennesaw so I'm not scrambling to do things before I leave for Charleston on Wednesday. I also double checked all the equipment, batteries, mics, cables, etc. to ensure that I would have everything I needed to film this weekend. I spent some time watching an episode or two of Law & Order SVU while flipping back occasionally to check the scores on the SEC basketball tournament games. The weather today was beautiful and I'm sad that I was unable to enjoy it, except for the brief times I was driving to and from work. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be colder, with rain pretty much all day. Pray for safe travel in the downpour as I swim my way back up to Knoxville for a weekend visit.

Meditation of the day: Psalm 34:11 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all."