Saturday, February 9, 2008

My fingers aren't broken... I can still type

Greetings! I haven't forgotten how to type or the website I use to post this blog. I just have been busy at work and found myself going to bed early or losing track of time in the evenings. Now that things have somewhat normalized at work I will only be updating this blog 2 times a week since the posts otherwise would be one or two sentences. I have continued to work this past week on the early childhood flyer that will go out in about 3 weeks. I also will begin next week to put together the initial layout of the Back-to-School flyer and finish up the fist round of signs for the retail sales floor. I had some visitors this weekend in Georgia. Mom, Dad, and Grandmother came down to visit me and bring down a few items for the apartment. We ate lunch at Ted's Montana Grill ad t was just as good as I remember it from my Nashville trip with Stephen and Whitney. We did a few things around the apartment and I gave them a quick tour of Kennesaw. Well that's about all for now. I'll try and update every few days to keep you informed of all my adventures (or misadventures) here in Georgia!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I've been workin' on a flyer. All the live long day...

Today at work I really only did about 3 things. That doesn't mean I was asleep at my desk or staring blankly at my large computer screen. (Although I imagine that I will someday hit a creative stumbling block and consider resorting to either of those things to break the cycle) I worked on 2 flyers and had a meeting today. I put some finishing touches on a Dr. Seuss flyer that I will need to print later this week. I got Stacy to proof it for me (Vickie calls her Eagle Eyes) and we got everything squared away and received a final approval from Vickie. I also worked for quite a while on the signs/flyers for VBS that will be coming up in a month or two. I like Lifeway's website because they provide free hi-res clip art for download on any VBS theme that they are promoting. This year's theme is Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth. It is a fun sign to put together and the flyer I'm working on will be complete when I get a finalized list of products we will carry to support that theme. We will also be featuring another theme: Power Lab! Discovering Jesus' Miraculous Powers. I met with Dave and a gentleman from 104 the Fish radio station. The Schoolbox had sponsored a Private School Expo at the beginning of this year and had received a fairly good response from the spots we ran to coordinate our sponsorship. We talked about many different ways that we could use both the radio and their website to draw people to our store and our website. Nothing was set in stone (pricing is always the last thing to get to) but I feel confident that we will definitely be using them in the future.

Now to report on the weekend. I went to Knoxville (and saw most of you) I ate a nice breakfast of Pancakes and Bacon Saturday morning and at Pork Tenderloin with fried rice, veggies, and egg rolls Saturday night for dinner. If people keep cooking like that when I come into town, I just might come back every weekend! I went and saw Rambo in the movie theaters with Charlie and Hickey Saturday night. It was really good. It was your typical Rambo movie, but with the technology and special effects we have now the blood seemed more red and more plentiful than the past Rambo movies. I went back to Hickey's parents house and hung out there for a while. I went home and went to sleep in my new business class room at Le Chateau de Taylor. (I had a clock!) Then I drove home Sunday morning and met Whitney here at my apartment on her way back from her friend's place in Atlanta. It was really good to get to spend some time with her. (I kind of miss her if you can't tell) Anyways, that's all for today! Have a great week everyone!