Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What day of the week is it?

I have determined that my continuous feelings of grogginess are not actually due to my lack of inactivity (seeing as how the past few days I have done at least something active after work), but can indeed be contributed to the time change last weekend. Now that I have realize this, I feel it is only responsible of me to go to sleep early tonight and sleep for a ridiculously long time...but I don't have time for that.

I spent the majority of time at work today refining the gift card holders, and making adjustments to the summer learning insert I have been working on. The regional managers all came down to the store today to plan out the store managers meeting at the end of the month. I got to talk to Kenny for a bit, which was nice, allowing me to see someone from "the old crew". I bought gas on my lunch break, for $3.25 a gallon!!!!, after I ran home to fix me some soup. I finished up the day at work and then went home to relax.

After talking to mom on the phone for a bit, I decided that I needed to get out of the apartment for a bit. I got on Barrett Parkway and just drove, listening to the new Sia CD I picked up after the concert on Monday night. The songs were very soothing and traffic was extremely light so it was actually a good time to drive for the sake of driving. The weather has been so nice over the past 2 days that I was able to drive with the windows rolled down, just letting the music float through the speakers. It was a good idea as I was able to think about some things and generally clear my mind so I can try and hear when I'm being spoken to. I spent the remainder of the evening doing a load of laundry, and preparing the video equipment for use this weekend. I really missed being at orchestra tonight. I would love to just see my "family" again and laugh with them and play beautiful music and worship. Maybe sometime in the future, perhaps. Well, I'm off to not catch up on sleep, but not loose any either. You get a 2 for 1 deal with meditations for today. See you all in 2 days!

Meditation(s) for the day: John 14:27 "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"

"Peace comes not from the absence of trouble, but from the presence of God"
~ Alexander Maclaren


Amy T. said...

You go driving around when gas is $3.25/gallon? Brave man. It is currently $3.13 at our favorite Exxon on Western, but I'm sure it will rise by the time you get there. :-)