Monday, March 31, 2008

As March marches on

Today is the last day of March and I must say that the month passed more quickly than I anticipated. I woke up and went through my normal routine to get ready for work. The weather was much colder today than I remember it being forecast. I went to work without a coat and nearly froze until my car heated up. I worked more on the furniture selling guide for our larger stores today. I also made the final revisions on the gift certificate letter & envelope so we can get them to the printer by the end of the week. I also made arrangements with a gentleman from Kell Robotics to meet for lunch (his treat) to further discuss how The School Box could support the robotic competition in the schools for the next year. There are some perks to having people wanting you to give them food! The rest of the day passed as I helped Aimee and Mike assemble the Manager's guides and register guides to hand out at the managers' meeting on Wednesday. It was a fairly large job for our copier to handle. We printed 20 copies of the 121 page book and it took most of the afternoon to put all the pages in binders and add the cover sheets and example materials. Just before leaving work Stacy asked if I wanted to go walking in her neighborhood again since it was supposed to rain the next couple of days. I said sure and then went home to change after work.

We decided it was best to walk as close to after work as possible since it was slightly cool and would only become colder as the sun went down. I drove to her house and then we walked around for about an hour until we were satisfied with our efforts at exercise. We the returned to Stacy's house where we were greeted by Cooper. He actually recognized me this time and we did not have to go through our usual reminders that we have met many times before. Stacy offered to fix dinner for us and I graciously accepted her offer and asked if there was anything I could do for her. So...I took out the trash and broke down some boxes in her garage that she had not collapsed from her move in January. I also loaded up an extra microwave into her truck so she could take it to work to deal with the waiting problem for the microwave in the break room. We ate some rice with Kung Pao chicken. I will find out the name of the kit she used to make it because it was almost P.F. Chang's quality and all should try it! We finished dinner, cleaned up, and then watched part of Wedding Crashers while enjoying some ice cream (mint chocolate chip to be precise).

I returned home shortly after finishing dessert and began to unpack from my weekend and do some laundry (does it ever end?). I also worked more on the video and should finish the ceremony video tomorrow night. I must now go to sleep to continue my recovery from the somewhat sleepless weekend.

Meditation of the day: Titus 2:11-12 "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age"