Friday, April 4, 2008

I'd rather be hiking the AT

Today as I woke up (at 6:15 for some reason, unable to return to my nap) I wished it was already Saturday and we were on the trail to explore a new place. This, of course, was not reality and soon I had to get myself focused on what I had to do today at work. I arrived at work to find that my feelings about today were aligned to everyone else's; is it 5 o'clock yet? I worked for just a bit on the mailing list before I finally gained access to MDR (Market Data Research), a company that specializes in data in the education market. I have been trying over the past two days to give these people our money in exchange for an access code to gain the use of their data to compile mailing lists and target specific areas for future flyers. You would think that a business would be interested in taking some one's money, but apparently they had better things to do. After we cleared up confusions on their end, they emailed me the access code and I began to play around with manipulating the data for our benefit. I found even more elementary schools to send the Early Childhood flyer to and hopefully with some more time, I will grow this list by leaps and bounds for future endeavors. I actually stayed in the office today to eat lunch. I had another pre-packaged salad from Publix with some Cheddar Triscuits for a side item. I met with Chris for about half an hour to discuss projects for me to work on next week while her , Dave, and their kids are away for Spring Break. I worked on getting the graphics ready for printing the envelopes for our gift certificate letter to the schools. I mostly was unfocused and found myself checking the weather forecasts for our hiking area every 10 minutes. I was alerted to the worsening weather conditions when we all hovered in the center of our office (not for safety but to discuss the days events) due to the sounding of the tornado sirens. We found that we were under a tornado watch that had been upgraded from the earlier warning. (Note the massive amounts of yellow and red on the Doppler photo from The sirens remained on for only a limited time and then things returned to normal.The end of the day finally arrived and I headed home to pack some last minute items, change clothes, and then hit the road to Knoxville. The sirens sounded again as I was getting my mail at the apartment, but by this point I figured if something were truly wrong, I'd know it.

My drive to Knoxville was filled with lots of traffic, heavy rains, and people that don't know how to drive in the rain. I was slowed down before I got to Chattanooga when traffic came to a stand still and then crawled the remaining 5 miles to the split towards Knoxville. I never saw anything that would explain this occurrence, but I attribute it to people slowing down to look at wrecks on the opposite side of the interstate. My evening in Knoxville was very similar to most of my Friday nights. Drop stuff off at the parents' house, hang at Movies 4 Sale, and then off to Applebee's (the highlight of the evening). It was only Jared, Hickey, and I tonight, but Megan, our server, was in a better mood this week so it was ok. I drove Hickey tonight as he looked like he was in need of a drink and was unsure about having 1 drink and then driving. So he enjoyed the evening like the rest of us. We left around 1:00am and I drove Hickey back to his parent's house where we dropped off his car after Movies 4 Sale closed for the night. I drove home to my parents house where I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I guess driving in the rain for 3 hours will make anyone tired.

Mediation of the day: Psalm 5:11 "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."