Sunday, May 18, 2008

From the Desk 5/18/2008

I woke up this morning later than intended. I looked over a the clock through sleepy eyes and saw that it was 9:30 which is what time I had intended to be at North Star Church for a visit/worship service. I obviously did not make it for that. I ate some breakfast, showered, and listened to one of the sermons posted on North Star Church's website. I got a call from Stacy and we made plans to go run some errands around 11:00. I picked her up and we ventured out to the new REI store just down the street from The Box. It was amazing. It is probably dangerous for me to have access to money and be in the store at the same time, but I managed to show great restraint on this trip by buying nothing. I did, however, make a mental list of several things I will undoubtedly purchase in the near future. We left REI and stopped by my apartment to pick up a movie to watch, and while there Stacy made several rentals from my library of DVDs. After the brief stop, we went out to the Super Target in Woodstock for some grocery shopping. We made a quick stop in the Hallmark store next door as Stacy needed to find several cards for birthdays, etc. I do not profess to be a big believer in the tool known as a greeting card, as I only buy them when absolutely necessary, but I did find a small display that contained different books with advice for life. I chose to read the book A Guide To Life So You Don't Look Like An Idiot! , which was a Napoleon Dynamite themed book with some wise advice for everyday living. Someone will probably be getting this treasure as a gift sometime this year….but who will it be? We finally made our way to Target and again found ourselves in the card section as Stacy had struck out at the Hallmark store. I actually found a great card for Leslie's birthday, which is next weekend, and in an usual move, I bought it! (I am ashamed of myself for going against my own principles that I set for myself…wow, I've got problems) We made our way through the store and I only picked up a few necessities. We went through the checkout and then made our way back to Stacy's for some lunch while watching Juno.

I enjoyed a delightful PB&J while Stacy ate her leftovers from Taco Mac last night. We watched Juno and I forgot what an incredible movie it is! It is filled with amazing music and lots of quotable lines while having an uplifting story along the way. Once the movie was over I dropped off my cold items, which found temporary asylum in Stacy's fridge, at my apartment and then went to The Box to meet Dave for some work on his video project. I arrived shortly after 4:00 and ended up working on it until 7:30 or so. During that time I got a phone call from my Uncle Bob, alerting me that he was in the area and would like to take me to dinner. I was thrilled at the opportunity, but the timing was not good as I was deeply engrossed in editing the project for Dave and didn't see a good stopping point in the near future. I regretfully declined his offer, but told him to call again the next time he is down this way as I would like to eat with him sometime. I also called Hickey while the video was exporting and we caught up on all the weeks' happenings and planned for his trip down here next weekend.

I left the office and headed for home, feeling very sleepy all of a sudden. It was probably due to the fact that I don't feel like I had a full weekend away from work. I heated up my leftovers from Taco Mac for my dinner and then talked briefly on the phone with mom about plans for next weekend. I put together a trip itinerary and then fell asleep watching the movie S.W.A.T. on FX. I woke up and realized it was time to go do some sleeping in my bed. My head hit the pillow and that's the last thing I remembered.

Meditation for the day: James 3:17-18 “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”