This morning I slept in a little (until 8:30) and then got up so I could get everything done before my guests arrived. I setup my appointment with Comcast to upgrade to digital cable and convert the internet service over to using my modem. After that I got ready and drove to Target to pick up a few last minute items. Unfortunately, Target did not have one of the items I needed so I was forced to shop at Walmart (something I try to avoid doing at all costs). I had just finished the last of the cleaning when I got a phone call from Amy requesting that I pick up some medical supplies so that she could tend to her ailing toenail once they arrived in Kennesaw. I obliged herrequest and ventured out to Publix to procure some hydrogen-peroxide. I returned to the apartment and awaited the arrival of my parents and Amy and Jon. They arrived around 11:45 and I helped them unload what was needed for my apartment. (oh yeah, and the TV)
We got the TV set up and then went to Taco Mac for some lunch. Everyone seemed to enjoy their food and I think it was a success as far as new restaurants go. We returned to the apartment briefly and then mom, dad, Amy and I set out to visit a couple of stores. We first went to Garden Ridge, where we procured a new frame for my Knoxville poster. This was my first visit to this store as well, and I was slightly overwhelmed by its size and variety of products. We then drove to REI, and meandered around the store until I began to have impulses to start buying things. I drove us by Kennesaw National Battlefield Park
where I go hiking about twice a week. We opted to just drive through and not hike due to the status of Amy's toe and the difficulty of finding a parking place. We then returned to the apartment where Amy put my poster in its new frame and Dad and I hung it on its new spot on the wall. I think it looks very good here. Dad also planned out a way to utilize my stereo and speakers with my new TV to provide sound quality more worthy of my new TV. He had to pick up a few supplies and then he and mom needed to check into their hotel. Amy, Jon, and I watched part of a movie while waiting for their return. While they were gone Stacy had arrived to go eat dinner with us. Mom and dad returned, after playing a clever joke on me, and we all loaded up into the van.
We headed to the Marietta Diner for some dinner, and found it to be very crowded when we arrived. Luckily we only had to wait about 5 minutes for our table to be ready. The menu there was so immense that it took almost 10 minutes for us to decide what we each wanted to order. We enjoyed fun conversations (Stacy and I behaved ourselves considering our usual antics when eating out with the lunch crew from work) and an overwhelming amount of food. We finished up eating and packing up leftovers and then proceeded to return to the apartment for the duration of the evening. While leaving the parking lot at the restaurant we learned that Jon is "always hot baby!" in response to a question Amy asked that left the reply available to be taken completely out of context and used for humor in my blog. Stacy said goodbye when we got back to the apartment and we watched "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" before mom and dad went to their hotel and Amy, Jon, and I turned in for the night. It was a good movie, but ended just after 11:00 and I think we were all tired and ready for bed. It was a good first day of visiting for my guests and I hope tomorrow will be as well when we visit North Star church and Hickey joins me later in the afternoon for more fun.
Meditation for the day: Romans 12:10 “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Saturday, May 24, 2008
From the Desk 5/24/2008
Posted by Pip Taylor at 11:58 PM
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