Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From the Desk 6/25/2008

This morning I woke up at 6am (again) and got a bit more video editing accomplished before getting ready for a full day at work. I made a short detour on my way to work by what hopefully was my last trip to the Tag Office to finally get my license tag for my car (the picture is not my tag). I was the 3rd person in line this morning and I got to mostly listen to two gentlemen talk about their respective Corvettes that they owned. I was amazed to see two people that knew the in-depth knowledge of the engines and customizable kits for these cars from the 1967 to the 2005 models. It was over my head in terms of participating other than the occasional nod or acknowledgment that I would have trouble fitting into the older models due to my height. I walked into the office when they opened at 8:30 and was immediately seen by an employee. The process took all of 6 minutes to sign, pay, and receive my tag. I hopped in the car and then journeyed to work for the day. I got to work and decided to go ahead and print the remaining new teacher letters that Leland would need at the end of next week. I was making decent progress printing the remaining 3,500 flyers and then I hit a snag. We were getting low on and then ran completely out of toner for the copier. We normally have a spare cartridge, but apparently after the spare was used no one called to get another spare from our supplier. I called Southern Office Machines and told them we were out of toner and we needed 3 cartridges to replenish and have a spare. They said they would send someone out with toner, but until then my printing project would have to wait.

For lunch today I met Leslie (from Howell Mill) and Stacy at Rafferty's. Stacy was taking the remainder of the day off to go wedding dress shopping with Leslie, but we all needed to catch up since our weekends have been packed an we haven't had a chance to get together lately. It was good to talk and laugh (as it always is) and we talked more about Leslie's wedding plans. After we ate I wished them good luck on their quest for the perfect wedding dress at the perfect price and I returned to work. The afternoon passed very slowly with the clock not seeming to move for almost 2 hours. I tried to get some work done on my market research project for the 8 new store locations. It is more difficult than one would think to obtain income data, school locations, and other demographic information to plot on a map for marketing purposes. I have found a site online that is close to what we need for plotting the data on maps around the store locations so now all I need is the data to input into the mapping program. I emailed back and forth with the designers from CCC who were putting together our new catalog cover. It took a few tries, but I finally got my point across for what changes we needed made to the proof. We should finalize the cover tomorrow which means it should go to print next week and be done around the 3rd week of July.

5:00 finally arrived and I went home to begin my other work: wedding videos. I left the ceremony project burning while I was at work and tested it to make sure that it burned without error. It looked flawless so I now have the official master disc for the ceremony and can focus all my attention to the reception video. I was able to make a little headway on that project. I compiled the exit to the reception as an intro to the main menu. I also compiled the pre-shots of the reception into a separate video clip that will be shown on the main menu screen. I laid down the two video tracks for the beginning of the reception and then took a break to eat some dinner. I answered some emails, updated the blog, and did some laundry during my non-video hours. I talked briefly on the phone with Christina and then Stacy called a few minutes later to tell me that Leslie found a wedding dress! After getting off the phone I decided to go to bed early tonight and start fresh in the morning. I decided to watch the movie Clue as I drifted off to sleep tonight and it proved to be good, but led to odd dreams that I can't entirely remember. Oh well, at least I will get more sleep tonight.

Meditation of the day: Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”