Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Today at work was more like a usual day will be (I hope). I handled a few phone calls today, but I mostly worked on retail signs as well as packing up stuff for a show we are doing next week. Stacy and I met with Dave this morning to discuss putting together a 12 page sales flyer to promote lower priced art supplies and classroom furniture. I think that Stacy will select the items to be promoted in the flyer and I will be responsible for the layout and art of the flyer. I also went to lunch today at Olive Garden. The purchasers were in town for a 2 day buyers meeting. So Peggy, Judy, Corey, Stacy, Carrie, Michelle, Linda, Dave, Vickie, and I ate lunch together. It was fun to get to know them better and even better when Dave picked up the check! The rest of the afternoon was mostly spent in front of the computer, but I did meet with Mike to discuss some changes and improvements to the website. I think it was very productive, and we have developed a contest to let employees contribute to part of the website's updating. We were supposed to get our new color copier today, but when the tech came to set it up for us, we discovered that the shop neglected to install the fax part of the copier. So the tech took it back with him and they will install the missing components and re-deliver on Monday or Tuesday.

That's all for now. I'm going to go try and motivate myself to go the weight room for a quick run!