Tuesday, July 15, 2008

From the Desk 7/15/2008

Today I managed to work on a few last minute things before delving into the world of pricing. Around 9:45 we converted the workshop room to a mobile receiving/pricing station. We brought boxes from the warehouse, by vendor, to the workshop room to price products and then divide them out to the stores based on the min/max levels set by purchasing for each item. It doesn't sound like much, but we managed to sort through 2 pallets of products and price/sort them before 11:00 when we stopped for lunch. It was nice to have a different view instead of staring at my desk and it took me back to the memories of working in the warehouse in the Knoxville store when I first started working for P&S.

After my lunch in the break room with Tausha, Carmen, Blair, and Stacy, the work resumed. Stacy and I checked in another 3 shipments of merchandise and with Tausha's help we boxed up everything to go to the stores in their shipments later this week. I worked on splitting out orders and pricing until around 4:00 and then had to cram all of the usual marketing activities I'd do in a day into the remaining hour I had left at work. I prioritized the things that had to happen that day and then shuffled everything else over to a list for tomorrow afternoon. We planned to work in the other warehouse (the overflow warehouse that we rent in the Back-to-School season to house our overstock merchandise) tomorrow so no doubt I will be tired after another day's good, hard work.

I left work with Christina and we went hiking at Pine Mountain in Cartersville for a change in hiking scenery. Everyone else backed out citing that they were too tired or had too much to do so it ended up just being the two of us (which was fine with me). We hiked up to the overlook and rested for several minutes just taking in the view and the warm sunlight. (I apologize for my lacking skills in taking pictures of myself or other people near me) It was peaceful and relaxing just sitting there quietly. We trekked the rest of the way down the mountain and returned to the car to head home. We stopped of at a Kangaroo food mart to buy some Powerade to quench our thirst from the hike. We drove back to the Box and I said goodbye to Christina for the night. I returned to the apartment and resumed working on wedding videos. I worked on that for about an hour and then took a break. My break turned into an hour long nap from 9:00-10:00 at which point I decided to go to bed early. I fell asleep very rapidly as I was tired from the hike and from the change of pace at work. I have a feeling this will be how I feel most of the week.

Meditation for the day: Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”