Saturday, July 19, 2008

From the Desk 7/18/2008

This morning I "woke up" at 6:30 when my alarm went off. I put woke up in quotes because it really didn't seem like I was asleep at all. I drug myself out of bed and after a shower I felt much better and actually didn't feel all that tired. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt to go work in the overflow warehouse again and drove in to work. As I passed the gas station on the corner I noticed that the price of gas had dropped significantly since the day I bought some. ($4.12 is what I paid on Tuesday and it was now $3.99) I picked up some breakfast, but decided to pass on a visit to Starbucks, thinking that the shot of caffeine would only lead to a greater crash of fatigue later. I checked a few things and answered some emails before Corey, Stacy, and I headed out. Our mission today was to check in 34 pallets of Pacon paper products. We got into a good rhythm and worked steadily until 10:45. We had checked in about 18 pallets when we stopped for a lunch break. We went back to the store and picked up Carmen and Tausha for lunch. We went to Willy's for some Mexican food.

After lunch we met back up with Corey and returned to our project for the day. I began to feel the effects of last night's lack of sleep around 12:30 once we returned to checking in the shipment. One of the drivers came to pick up 4 of the pallets we had checked in and he decided to go ahead and get 5. That was probably not the best idea since the truck was off balance then. (The photo doesn't do the way the truck was leaning justice, but its all I got) We finished the Pacon shipment around 1:00 and decided to go ahead and check in one more shipment of furniture that was small so we knew it wouldn't take long. We wrapped up everything in the overflow warehouse and made a few stops I needed to make on the way back to the store. We stopped off at ATS graphics to pick up the left over shirts from Summer Training that we had printed. We also stopped off at Printing Impressions to pick up the inserts to take to the mail house for the catalog mailing, but when we got there Tony told me that they had been delivered earlier in the day. I decided that they could remain in our warehouse until Monday and then one of the drivers could deliver them since we are about a week ahead of schedule on that project. I returned and answered the 5 messages I had received while away from my desk. I printed a few things for some of the stores and made some name badges that people notified me that we were missing. It reached 2:30 and I just hit a wall. I was really having trouble keeping my eyes open and Mike told me I could go home early. It was Vickie's plan for Stacy, Corey, and I to go home early on Friday anyway since we had been doing double duty all week. I went out on the floor and said hello to Christina and told he to call me when she got out of work. Then I drove home and crashed on the couch, falling asleep very quickly.

I woke up about 2 hours later feeling better and slightly more rested. Christina called and she was going to come over around 7:00 so she could rest a little bit after work. She arrived and we watched That 70's Show marathon on ABC Family that was covering the end of season 6 and the beginning of season 7. I dozed off during the third episode, but woke up after about 45 minutes. We then ate some popcorn while watching the season premier of "Psych" on USA. It was a good episode that kept you laughing, which kept us awake. We watched one episode of "House" after that and then I walked Christina to her car and said goodnight.

Meditation for the day: 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”