This morning I woke up feeling the effects of the work from yesterday. I got ready for work, today wearing jeans and a School Box polo shirt as I would probably be working in view of customers and needed to look slightly more professional than shorts and a t-shirt. I got to work and managed to work with Aimee and Vickie on several signs they had proofed for me, print them out, and call back several people before we went to work in the warehouse. We checked in 5 pallets before lunch time and then at 11:00 Tauhsa, Carmen, Stacy and I went to KFC for some food. It wasn't particularly busy when we arrived, but it seemed to take a long time to get our food anyway. I had ordered the 10 piece boneless wings in the sweet & spicy sauce. What I got was the meal in teryaki sauce. I was fine with that and it probably was better to eat that sauce than the spicy one as we were working in the warehouse and it was quite warm even with air conditioning. We ate and relaxed for a while before returning to work.
After work we checked in and put away an additional 4 pallets of stock. We decided to call it quits on the warehouse work for the day as we all had other job responsibilities that we needed to take care of before it piled up too much. I finished printing some signs and also verified with our mail house that the next batch of catalogs for mailing had arrived. I emailed our mailing list to them so they could get a head start on poly-bagging the catalogs into bags of 2. I also called Printing Impressions to verify that they had received the file I sent yesterday to print the inserts for the catalog poly-bags so we had something to print the addresses on. After these few odds and ins I headed home to prepare for my guests' arrival.
Tausha and Stacy came over after work to play some Wii Sports and unwind from a stressful, busy week. They stopped off at Wendy's and picked up some food for dinner and then we began to play some games. After a couple of songs on Guitar Hero III we switched to playing Wii Sports. They really enjoyed tennis, but the main game we played was bowling. This was Stacy's first time playing anything using the Wii remote so it took her some time to get used to how it senses your movements. It didn't take too long though as Tausha destroyed both of us in the first game, but Stacy won the second game. I won the third game by only 3 points as Stacy was close to winning that one as well. Then it came time for boxing. I can't really describe how funny it was to watch Tausha and Stacy box each other, but I will say that if you were watching and took a sip of a drink it would be sprayed across the room in a matter of seconds from laughter. After that we played baseball and then they left. I had gotten a call from Christina during one of the bowling games to see if we wanted to join Leslie and Bill for the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight" the newest Batman movie. I had told her sure and I would just be tired the next day. She came over after she got off work and we ended up watching Batman Begins which was playing on FX and ended right before we needed to leave to go the the theater.We arrived at the AMC Barrett Theater at 11:20 and found Leslie and Bill who had picked up tickets for us earlier that day. We found 4 seats together in the theater and then the anticipation began to build for the movie. The movie began at 12:15am on what was technically Friday morning. It was amazing. I won't put any details here as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might go see it, but I will say that this is not a superhero movie that I would take children to see. It is very dark and Heath Ledger's portrayal of the villain The Joker is spine-tingling. The movie was longer than I had expected, but I had not noticed what time it was as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen during th film. The parking lot was very congested trying to leave as the movie was showing on 12 screens (4 began at 12:00, 4 at 12:15 and 4 at 12:30) and everyone was trying to leave pretty much at the same time. We got back to the apartment around 3:45am and I made sure Christina was awake enough to drive home. I fell asleep thinking about how good the movie was and how tired I would be when my alarm would go off about 2 and a half hours from then when I had to get up for work.
Meditation for the day: Psalm 119:101-102 " have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word. I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me."
Friday, July 18, 2008
From the Desk 7/17/2008
Posted by Pip Taylor at 3:54 AM
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