Saturday, August 2, 2008

From the Desk 8/2/2008

This morning I woke up later than intended, but still managed to get out the door shortly after 8am. The drive up to Knoxville was peaceful. There was little traffic and good weather all the way into town. I arrived just after 10:30 at my parents' house and found Jon and Dad finishing up changing the starter in Jon's car. I ate a couple of blueberry muffins as I walked out the door to meet Jubin and Chris Reed in the driveway. We all piled in my car and headed out to "the Mounds" which is Knoxville's newest frisbee golf course. We arrived at the course and almost immediately regretted choosing today to go play as the sun was already heating the outdoors like a frying pan ready to cook bacon. We played through the 18 hole course over 2 hours and our play seemed to improve throughout the course. We skipped hole 6 as someone had apparently stolen the basket. I never knew that an actual frisbee golf basket was such a hot commodity, but nothing really surprises me anymore. We stopped off by Sonic on the way back to my parents' house to hydrate as best we could. I dropped Jubin and Chris off at their cars and then I headed to my next item on the agenda.

I met Chan, Hickey, Clay, Amy, and Jon at West Town Mall for some lunch. Forgetting that it was tax free weekend, I expected there to be a sizable, but not overwhelming crowd at the mall. I was disappointed to find the later was true. I parked near the outer rim on the Sears side of the mall and began my 5 minute hike into the building. I arrived and after a few minutes Amy and Jon showed up and we grabbed some food. I left the mall and met Hickey at his parent's house after he dropped Chan at his car. We headed out to Alcoa Highway to meet Elizabeth. We met at the Starbucks and she gave me the envelope containing the photos and music to put together the sideshow for her wedding in September. We chatted briefly, but then had to head on to the next stop on the agenda. Hickey and I ran by Movies 4 Sale and I picked up 5 movies I had Hickey hold for me (and took advantage of their buy 4 get 1 free sale) I dropped Hickey off at his parent's house and then returned to mine to say hello to Mom and get ready for the wedding. I was only able to chat with Mom and G-mom for about 15 minutes before jumping in the shower and then heading out the door to meet Hickey.

I met Hickey at Movies 4 Sale (yes that was the 2nd time I went there today) and we headed out to New Vision Fellowship church to the wedding of Brenda's daughter, Khaley. The ceremony was beautiful and everything went smoothly (as it always does with Brenda and Lisa). We said hello and goodbye in the same breath to the people we knew and then headed to get gas on my way out of town. I dropped Hickey off at his truck and then followed him to his parent's house to pick up the guitar he was lending me. I left Knoxville around 7:35 and soon found that I was very tired from my full day of activities. I talked to Stacy for a bit on my way home to try and stay alert. I also had to stop off in Calhoun, GA to get some food and a drink to re-fuel and hopefully wake me up somewhat. It did the trick enough to get me home. I called Christina and she came over to watch some Fresh Prince of Bel Air with me. After just 3 episodes I could no longer keep my eyes open and was forced to make her leave for the night. It was good just to see her for those few minutes and hopefully I will get some good sleep so I will be open to what God teaches me tomorrow morning at His Hands.

Meditation for the day: 1 Sammuel 16:7 “But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”